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Administrative Law
Yun MA
TIME: 2019-07-16|CLICKS:


Yun MA

Title and Social Services

Lecturer inAdministrative Law

Deputy Director of the Department of Administrative Law, Law School, CUPL

Member of IUCN-CEL (Commission on Environmental Law)

Council Member, Association of Environmental and Natural Resource Law of China Law Society


Contact Information


Department of Administrative Law, School of Law

China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL)

No.27 Fuxue Road, Changping District, Beijing, China (102249)

0086-13581807427 / 0086-10-58909310

mayun@cupl.edu.cn/ mayun19870827@163.com

Education Background

Law School, Oxford University, UK(2017.08-11)

Visiting scholar; working with Professor Elizabeth Fisher

University of Zagreb, Croatia(2017.05)

Visitinglecturer attheSchool of Law;teaching the course ofIntroduction to ChinesePolitics andLaw(30 hours)

University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA (2014.01-2014.02)

Visiting scholar at S.J. Quinney College of Law; working with Professor Robert Keiter,Director of Wallace Stegner Center for Land, Resources, and the Environment

Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana, USA (2013.08-2014.01)

Visiting scholar at Maurer School of Law; working with Professor Robert Fischman

Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands (2011.09- 2015.06)

Ph.D in law, Department of Constitutional Law and Administrative Law& Erasmus China Law Center(ECLC);funded by the China Scholarship Council (CSC) for overseas PhD studies

Supervisors: Professor Roel. de Lange (Director of the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law) and Professor Yuwen Li (Director of ECLC)

School of Law, CUPL, Beijing (2008.09-2011.07)

M.A.,Constitutional Law and Administrative Law, graduatedsummacumlaude,“Best Master Thesis”award

School of Law, CUPL, Beijing (2004.09-2008.07)

B.A., School of Law; graduatedsummacumlaude, top 1 in class

Research Interests

Administrative law and judicial review, environmental regulation and governance, public land and natural resource law, protected areas law





Yun Ma,Conservation and Recreation in Protected Areas: A Comparative Legal Analysis of Environmental Conflict Resolution in the United States and China(Oxon, England; New York, USA: Routledge, 2016).

Yun Ma,‘Working in Concert: Regulation and Incentives for Private Land Conservation in the United States’, in Adam McCannet al.(eds.),When Private Actors Contribute to Public Interests(The Hague: Eleven International Publishing, 2014), pp.155-176.

Yuwen Li & Yun Ma, ‘The Hurdle is High: The Administrative Litigation System in the People’s Republic of China’, in Yuwen Li (ed.),Administrative Litigation Systems in Greater China and Europe(Farnham, England; Burlington, USA: Ashgate Publishing, 2014), pp.15-40.

Yuwen Li & Yun Ma,‘Battling in the Courts:Dynamics of the Administrative Litigation Systems across Jurisdictions’, inYuwen Li (ed.),Administrative Litigation Systems in Greater China and Europe(Farnham, England; Burlington, USA: Ashgate Publishing, 2014),pp.1-12.

Yun Ma (translator),‘ThePast, Present and Future of the Administrative Litigation System in Taiwan’, inYuwen Li (ed.),Administrative Litigation Systems in Greater China and Europe(Farnham, England; Burlington, USA: Ashgate Publishing, 2014),pp.91-116 (from Chinese to English)

Yun Ma,Ecological Restoration in Wilderness: An American Perspective, in 2014年全国环境资源法学研讨会(年会)论文集(The Symposium of Chinese Environmental and Resource Law Society Annual Conference)


Yun Ma (co-translator),牛津科技法律规制手册(The Oxford Handbook of Law, Regulation, and Technology) (Beijing:China Social Sciences Press) (from English to Chinese)(2019, forthcoming)

Yun Ma,自然景观资源权利化及其产权实现问题研究(The Property RightApproach toNatural Scenic Resources and the Corresponding Path of Its Realization), in Luo Zhimin (ed.),对话与比较:中意行政法文集(Dialogue and Comparison: Symposium of Sino-Italian Administrative Law) (2019, forthcoming)

Yun Ma,荒野管理困境与严格司法审查:美国荒野保护的经验观察(TheDilemmaofWildernessManagement and Judicial Hard look:Observations of Wilderness Protectionin the United States),in环境资源法论丛(第11卷) (Symposium ofEnvironmental and Natural Resources Law, Volume No.11)(2019), pp.183-202(forthcoming)

Yun Ma (translator),议会主权与宪法(Parliamentary Sovereignty and the Constitution, by Pavlos Eleftheriadis (XXII (2009)Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence, pp.1-24)), in Zhai Zhiyong (ed.),北航法学2015年第1卷(Beihang Law Review 2015, Volume1) (Beijing, CUPL Press, 2015) (from English to Chinese)

YunMa,自然保护领域的私人治理:激励与规制的双重视角(Incentivized While Restricted: Private Initiatives in Co-Shaping the Nature Conservation Landscape), inXu Xiangmin (ed.),中国环境法学评论(第10卷)(Environmental Law Review in China(Volume 10)) (Beijing: Science Press, 2014)



Yun Ma, ‘Reaching Out to Effective Environmental Public-Interest Protection: Role of Governments as Public-Interest Litigants’,Environmental Law Review(2019, forthcoming)

Yun Ma, ‘Dynamics in Central-Local Division of the Authority of EIA Approval in China’, 1 (2019)Journal of Environmental Law, pp.29-57 (SSCI, Q2)

Yun Ma,‘Vertical Management: A Panacea to Environmental Enforcement Gap in China?’, 1(2017)Chinese Journal of Environmental Law, pp.41-72.

Yun Ma,‘Contextualization of National Parks in the Nature Conservation Scheme in China: A Case Study of Pudacuo National Park in Yunnan Province’, 15-3 (2013)Environmental Practice, pp.293-312.


Yun Ma,论国家公园“保护优先”理念的规范属性——兼论环境原则的法律化(Onthe Normativity of the Principle of“Priority of Protection”in National Park Management: Legalization of Environmental Principles),1 (2019)中国地质大学学报(社会科学版)(Journal of China University of Geosciences (Social Sciences Edition)), pp.91-108(CSSCI)

Yun Ma,美国环境规制中的命令、激励与重构(Command, Incentive and Reform of Environmental Regulation in the US),4(2017)中国行政管理(Chinese Public Administration), pp.137-143 (CSSCI)

Yun Ma,经济适用房入住资格的行政法考量(ResearchontheLiving Qualificationsofthe Economic Housesfrom Perspectiveofthe Administrative Law), 3 (2009)研究生法学(Graduate Law Review),pp.70-75.

Yun Ma,法的精神——不能承受之轻与重(The Spirit of the Laws - Unbearable Lightness and Heaviness), 1 (2009)蓟门学术(Jimen Law Review).

3.Media Articles

“Advancing ecological civilization is China's promise to the world”, CGTN Opinions, 13 March 2019.

“Cities in nature: From imagination to reality”, CGTN Opinions, 14 April 2019.

王子引发的宪法危机(Constitutional Crisis Triggered by the Prince), in法治周末(Legal Weekly), 4 April 2017.

“跛脚鸭总统”的气候政策及宪法遗产(Lame-duck President’s Climate Policy and Constitutional Heritage), in中国社会科学报(Chinese Social Sciences Weekly),8 Feb.2017.

乌托邦的梦醒时分——读“反乌托邦三部曲”(Awakening of Utopia- Review of the Dystopia Trilogy), in伟德BETVLCTOR1946始于英国校报(CUPL CampusJournal),No.661, 2009

我国国家公园立法的突破:《云南省国家公园管理条例》述评(Breakthroughof National Park Legislation in China: CommentsonRegulations on National Parks in Yunnan Province), in武汉大学环境法研究所公众号(Public Account of theResearch Institute of Environmental Law,Wuhan University), 7Jan. 2016.

“IUCN China”web-columnist; wrote essays on environmental management and protection periodically (2016.05 to present)

–2016.5.19《三文鱼与泰晤士河的悲欢离合》(Vicissitudesbetween Salmon and the Thames)

–2016.5.24《狩猎者竟成了保护野鸭的功臣?》(Hunters as the Hero of Wild Duck Protection?)

–2016.6.1《当亚洲鲤鱼跃了“龙门”》(When AsianCarpLeaps Over the“Dragon Gate”)

–2016.7.27《金枪鱼罐头上的海豚》(The Image of Dolphin onCannedTuna)

–2017.4.6《法庭中的国家公园:黄石里的战争》(National Parks in Courts Series: Wars in Yellowstone)

–2017.4.18《法庭中的国家公园:谁的优山美地?》(National Parks in Courts Series: Whose Yosemite?)

–2017.6.22《法庭中的国家公园:黄石里的细菌大战》(National Parks in Courts Series: Bacteria Wars in Yellowstone)

–2017.7.11《法庭中的国家公园:魔鬼塔与冈仁波齐》(National Parks in Courts Series: Devils Tower andKangrinboqe)


Conference presentation on“A regulatory turn in protected area management in China: necessities, options and challenges”at Challenge and Response of Governing the Commons in China: the 50th Anniversary of“The Tragedy of the Commons”, held by Tsinghua University (13 October 2018, Beijing)

Conference organizer,“1stSino-Dutch Public Law Forum”——Accessibility, Accountability and Autonomy of Higher Education: China, Europe and Beyond, co-organized by Law School of CUPL and Erasmus School of Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands (14 April 2018, CUPL, Beijing)

Conference presentation on “Dynamics in Central-Local Division of the Authority of EIA Approval in China” at Annual Conference of European China Law Society,held by Leiden University (24-25 August 2017, Leiden, the Netherlands)

Conference presentation on “Working in Concert: Regulation and Incentives for Private Land Conservation in the United States” at International Seminar on Private Regulation and New Fields of Regulation,held by Central University of Finance and Economics (1 June 2017,Beijing)

Conference presentation on “Dynamics in Central-Local Allocation of Environmental Authority through Rule-making: Case study of Environmental Impact Assessment Approval in China” at Early-Career Environmental Law Scholar Workshop,held by Hong Kong Chinese University (29 April 2017,Hong Kong)

Invited talk on “Landscape and Power: Transformation of Power in National Park Management of the US” (风景与权力:美国国家公园管理中权力的样态与流变), Seminar on“Regulation and Public Law”,held by Nankai University, Tianjin, China(16Dec. 2016, Tianjin, China)

Conference presentation on“From negative listing to positive listing: a changing regulatory landscape of cross-border E-commerce in China” at Sino-Swiss Academic Conference 2016 held by Institute of Federalism, University of Fribourg (22-23 November 2016, Fribourg, Switzerland)

Conference presentation on“Vertical Environment Management and the Effectiveness of Environmental Law Enforcement” at Sino-Italian Environmental Public Law Conference held by Law School of CUPL and Roma Tre University (12 November 2016, Beijing, China) (in Chinese)

Conference presentation on“From negative listing to positive listing: a changing regulatory landscape of cross-border E-commerce in China” at China-Europe Academic Conference 2016 - E-Commerce Law Forum held by China-EU School of Law (20 October 2016, Beijing, China)

Conference presentation on“Vertical Management: A Panacea to Environmental Enforcement Gap in China?”at theInternational Conference on Compliance and Enforcement of Environmental Law:Recent Developmentsheld by Wuhan University (8-10 September 2016, Wuhan, China)

Conferencepresentationon“Governmental Responsibility in Ecological Damage Compensation: Case Study of Superfund”at the“Theory and Practice of Administrative Law in theEnvironmentalEra”held by Law School, CUPL (6 December 2015, Beijing, China) (in Chinese)

Conference presentation on“An Ecosystem Approach to Spatial Planning: Ecological Service Zoning in China”at the 2ndEuropean Environmental Law Forum (EELF) Conference (‘Environmental and Planning Law Aspects of Large Scale Projects’) held by University Hasselt (10-12 September 2014, Brussels, Belgium)

Conference presentation on‘ConflictsoverRecreational Use on Public Lands: An American Perspective’at the GraduateColloquiumof Maurer School of Law at Indiana University Bloomington (21 February 2014, Bloomington, the US)

Conference presentation on“Incentivized While Restricted Private Initiatives in Co-Shaping the Nature Conservation Landscape”at the 7thAnnual Postgraduate Workshop(‘Environmental Law and Governance: New Ideas and Old Problems’)held by the School of Law of University College Dublin (28 May 2013, Dublin, Ireland)

Conference presentation on“Private Governance in Nature Conservation: A Public Law Perspective”at thePhD Roundtable Forum on Law and Governanceheld by the Netherlands Institute for Law and Governance (19 April 2013,Amsterdam, the Netherlands)

Conferencepresentation on“National Park: Best Idea or Best Ideal?–Legal Contextualization of National Parks in China from Central-Local Perspective”at the2nd Sino-Europe Conference on Environmental Law(15-16 September 2012, Wuhan, China)